Time passes by so quickly
Christmas and carnival are already history! We are looking forward to spring, because it is already here

Christmas: We rounded off the Christmas season with a Christmas event. It was very important to us as the Little Friends team to spend some time with children and parents. This year the Christmas event took place in the daycare center and not in the forest. This year we also enjoyed the delicacies we brought with us. The decoration of fairy lights, candles and Christmas music enchanted our daycare center into a fairytale world. And so we continued with singing. The children sang really well and the parents weren’t too bad either :-). Of course Santa Claus was there and he diligently distributed presents with the help of the children. There were great conversations and everyone felt comfortable. It was a very successful Christmas event for us. Thanks to all!
Carnival: that was an intensive time with lots of activities, such as make-up, role-playing, playing music and much more on the theme of Carnival. Of course, we took enough time to dress up, act in different roles and put on little plays invented by the children, so there was enough room for creativity
Springtime: Many educational experiences await us in spring. Philosophizing is popular again, as is discovering things for themselves – this is how our daycare children learn best. Springtime is an ideal time for this because it offers many materials and connections related to nature.
Easter: Like every year in April we will deal with the topic of Easter. We will spend theme-oriented, exciting activities with the children. The children will do something new every day, learn about it, try out, paint Easter eggs, bake, etc. Easter games and Easter songs are also a must. At the end of Easter we will go on an Easter nest hunt. Each child is allowed to design their own homemade Easter basket beforehand. After that we just have to wait for the Easter bunny and hope that he comes by.